New Technology : Chrome Blocks Flash Ads, Minecraft Makes You Sad… [Tech News Digest]


Chrome battles Flash, Notch hates being rich, Netflix becomes less Epix, T-Mobile limits your data, and Star Stuff explores the early life of Carl Sagan. Chrome Pauses Unimportant Flash Content Flash is boned. More or less. And that's because Google's Chrome web browser is about to start automatically pausing any Flash-based advert… — Dean Wentzel (@2_ones) August 31, 2015 The war on Flash is ramping up, with Google now making its Chrome browser pause unimportant Flash content by default. By unimportant, Google means anything that isn’t “central to the webpage”. This means the Flash video you actively want to watch...

Read the full article: Chrome Blocks Flash Ads, Minecraft Makes You Sad… [Tech News Digest]

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